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The Evil Mr.Mailman|~| A KoTLC FanFiction

Meghan‘s life is boring. School is boring her parents are boring almost everyone is boring, that all changes when a mysterious man arrives who is called the mailman,but is this new person a friend or an enemy?


Chapter 1 | Life is Boring

The day started out like ever other day boring. All that happed was I got out of bed I ate breakfast I went to Foxfire the school I have gone to ever since I was 11 years old and that had been what 4 years ago. I mean my parents didn’t even notice me, i thought being an only child ment you get more attention from your parents, but they gave all there attention to work. My dad went on his werid mission type things and mom went to work as one of the matchmakers.“Sigh.” Then when I had gotten to school (actually on time) I went to my classes, but today was going to be special I could feel it. Turns out it was a special day because lucky me I got detention all because of my best friend Aragon Links, it’s a long story, but thankfully not a boring one. Oh! I don’t think I mentioned this yet but my name is Meghan, Meghan Fridays and if you didn’t notice by my rambling my life is very very boring.

Chapter 2 | A Prank Again?
