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Slurps and Burps

A store owned by the Dizznee family, located in Mysterium, that sells all kinds of elixirs and more.


WIP (You can add your own, but they have to have creative names!)


Archive 1

Archive 2 (fill this one next)


Maya and Aya

Aya Edain

✈︎ The Short Princess ✧ The Quiet Nerd
Quiet people have the loudest minds.
Talk To Me ✧ Anytime

Aya was browsing through the aisles, look for some of that hair product for her mom


Aya Edain

✈︎ The Short Princess ✧ The Quiet Nerd
Quiet people have the loudest minds.
Talk To Me ✧ Anytime

She was about to grab the correct elixir when someone else grabbed it first. "Hey!" she said, looking at the person. "I was gonna take that!"


Aya Edain

✈︎ The Short Princess ✧ The Quiet Nerd
Quiet people have the loudest minds.
Talk To Me ✧ Anytime

She waved ot off. "Eh, don't worry about. That elixir makes my mom's hair poof out anyway."


Aya Edain

✈︎ The Short Princess ✧ The Quiet Nerd
Quiet people have the loudest minds.
Talk To Me ✧ Anytime

"Yeah, it's pretty wierd."


Aya Edain

✈︎ The Short Princess ✧ The Quiet Nerd
Quiet people have the loudest minds.
Talk To Me ✧ Anytime

She looked around thoughtfully. "I just love this store. I sometimes come here after school, just to sit and watch everything. I come here so much, I practically work here. So my mom asked me to pick up her elixir since I'm coming anyway."


Aya Edain

✈︎ The Short Princess ✧ The Quiet Nerd
Quiet people have the loudest minds.
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"Yup. See that one?" She pointed to a tallish boy with starberry hair, periwinkle eyes, and the deepest dimples anyone would ever see. "He became a friend of mine over the past few months. And my mom used to babysit his younger siblings."


Aya Edain

✈︎ The Short Princess ✧ The Quiet Nerd
Quiet people have the loudest minds.
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She chuckled. "Not quite. but I do get discounts on some of they're items."


Aya Edain

✈︎ The Short Princess ✧ The Quiet Nerd
Quiet people have the loudest minds.
Talk To Me ✧ Anytime

She grinned back. "True!". Then she started to walk to her usual spot near the door, gesturing for Maya to follow.


Jenna Ortega 3
Celine Astrov

➣ Slurps and Burps Chemical Master ✵ Telepath--16 years old
""I might be the nicest rude person ever."
Don't you know the time? It's way too late. Always. ✵ EST

Celine sighed as she breezed through the aisles. This was one of the few times that she'd actually needed to use one of the existing products to alter another existing product and hopefully use that to create a new product to help alter other products. Her job was complicated. Kesler had asked her to fix the Altering Medication, and Celine was excited to start. But Mysterium looked so bright, and she was ready to exit the store and start a new life.

Aya Edain

✈︎ The Short Princess ✧ The Quiet Nerd
Quiet people have the loudest minds.
Talk To Me ✧ Anytime

Aya walked into the store, taking in all the different smells and colors. She loved Slurps and Burps, but today she had a job to do. She was just here to get in, get out, get done.

Jenna Ortega 3
Celine Astrov

➣ Slurps and Burps Chemical Master ✵ Telepath--16 years old
""I might be the nicest rude person ever."
Don't you know the time? It's way too late. Always. ✵ EST

Celine spotted a girl hovering in one of the aisles. “Hey, can I help you?” She asked, grabbing Youth in a Bottle from one of the top shelves. “I work here. Celine Astrov, nice to meet you.”

Aya Edain

✈︎ The Short Princess ✧ The Quiet Nerd
Quiet people have the loudest minds.
Talk To Me ✧ Anytime

She flushed. "Um, no... it's all right..." She murmured, turning back to the shelves.

Jenna Ortega 3
Celine Astrov

➣ Slurps and Burps Chemical Master ✵ Telepath--16 years old
""I might be the nicest rude person ever."
Don't you know the time? It's way too late. Always. ✵ EST

"I'm sure there's some way I can get something for you," Celine urged, knowing this was a shy girl. She was like that earlier, until she realized how much more worth you can give when you tell people how you feel. "What's your name? And what exactly are you looking for? I'll grab it for you, and add some edits if you'd like." Celine snatched another vial labled 'Nit Pick' and tucked in the crook of her arm. "C'mon to the back! We have some cool elixirs there!"

Aya Edain

✈︎ The Short Princess ✧ The Quiet Nerd
Quiet people have the loudest minds.
Talk To Me ✧ Anytime

Not knowing what to do, she wordlessley followed this strange girl to the back of the store. "Aya," she said quitley after a while, "my name is Aya."

Jenna Ortega 3
Celine Astrov

➣ Slurps and Burps Chemical Master ✵ Telepath--16 years old
""I might be the nicest rude person ever."
Don't you know the time? It's way too late. Always. ✵ EST

“That’s a very pretty name. Do you live in Atlantis?”

Aya Edain

✈︎ The Short Princess ✧ The Quiet Nerd
Quiet people have the loudest minds.
Talk To Me ✧ Anytime

She shook her head. "We have a small estate just north of Lumenaria," she whispered, surprised ahe's said this much. She turned to the girl. "Do you have something for a temporary hairdye? Something that wears off quickly?"

Jenna Ortega 3
Celine Astrov

➣ Slurps and Burps Chemical Master ✵ Telepath--16 years old
""I might be the nicest rude person ever."
Don't you know the time? It's way too late. Always. ✵ EST

“Well, we have some permanent colors that I think you would like... unfortunately, we only have permanent ones at the moment. I was making some more yesterday and now they’re fermenting.” Celine rested her chin on her knuckles. “If you tell me what color you’d like, I’ll make it for you right now. Free of cost.”

Aya Edain

✈︎ The Short Princess ✧ The Quiet Nerd
Quiet people have the loudest minds.
Talk To Me ✧ Anytime

She smiled. Free was always better. "Well, I need it for a kid I'm babysitting tonight. I told her I'd give her a makeover. What colors do you suggest?" Then she immedietly reddened, remebering who she was talking to.

Jenna Ortega 3
Celine Astrov

➣ Slurps and Burps Chemical Master ✵ Telepath--16 years old
""I might be the nicest rude person ever."
Don't you know the time? It's way too late. Always. ✵ EST

"Calm down. I won't hurt you. What color hair does the kid you're babysitting for have?" Celine smiled and led her to her messy lab, stereotypically filled with vials.
