Fun Fandom KotLC Wiki



The feature is now officially up! Feel free to create accounts and roleplay!

What We Know So Far

  • Different character accounts will be made per fanfiction. They will only be the main characters of the fanfiction, and the limit of accounts per fanfiction is 4. However, if you are the co-author of a fanfiction, this does not mean you are allowed more character slots, and you will have to split the number of accounts or share them. NOTE: No canon character accounts can be created (ex: Sophie Foster, Keefe Sencen, Fitz Vacker). However, in certain cases this can be approved, but only after an admin says it is just. You can share the accounts with someone else--most likely the co-author--if you so wish to.
  • The roleplaying experiences will occur on different pages. On that page, there will need to be the following things either at the top in headings: What characters are roleplaying and where they are. These pages will be linked to the main Roleplay link hub, most likely located on this page.
  • The title of each roleplay page must follow the following procedure. Roleplay pages will not be valid without this classification: Roleplay/(Location)/(Characters Roleplaying) - these pages, in the last section (CHARACTERS ROLEPLAYING) can be left with an 'Open,' singalling that anyone can join it.
  • You can communicate using any method you prefer. For communication template help, please contact Banana.
  • Things that happen in roleplay do not have to directly affect or effect at all anything that is happening within the fanfictions.
  • Note: When creating separate roleplaying accounts, it is recommended you use the following template (Template:My Character) and fill out the tables at the beginning of the page, so everyone knows who it belongs to. The Template:

This character belongs to [[User:{{{1}}}|{{{2}}}]]

How the template works: when filling out the tables, enter the real username into the section with the 1 in it, and the name you want to show in the 2 section.

These guidelines, rules, and procedures have been implemented for a reason. Make sure to follow them and have fun!!!

Roleplay Pages

Roleplay/Slurps and Burps/Kenric and Max (unfinished, active)
