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Chapter 1- Dame Alina’s POV

”Keefe!!”I screeched as I coughed and choked.

The gas’ repugnant smell reminded me so much of that reek rod incident.

But this odour was worse than ogre’s scent.

This was so sickening.

I spluttered, as I slammed the door shut to my office, finally breathing in clean air.

When I get my hands on that boy! He’d pay!

I sniffed the air. Gross!Now my hair smelt like Gulon farts!My dress seemed to also have the stink.

How was I to face the students at Orientation like this?

Then, something crackled.

Oh no.

I had bottled dragon fire that Keefe had illegally collected. He must have done that on purpose.

And I was all too familiar with a lecture Lady Galvin had given during alchemy,”Never mix Gulon gas with dragon fire.”

I screamed. This was NOT going to end well!

Then it exploded.Fire streaked across the Foxfire halls. Students were frantically rushing out of classrooms and down the main stairs. I clutched my hair and dress, So much ash! And the fire was spreading.

Just like the unbearable stench.

Keefe will be sent to Exillium for this! He would! I didn’t care if I had to face Lord and Lady Sencen. I just wanted Keefe Sencen out of my school.

The thick cloud of smoke seemed to be obscuring my vision as I raced down the Foxfire halls. Everything was blurry and indistinct.

I could stumble blindly around, just trying to escape from my office.

I finally reached the exit, where prodigies mingled, faces pale. Then, I looked up. The entire level five wing had been destroyed, fire and smoke everywhere.

Although dragon fires could not harm elves, it still had destroyed part of Foxfire! And now glass was raining everywhere.

Keefe Sencen will pay. This must be his doing!

(To be Continued)

