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Lexi :3

Directions: Please fill in the following table to the best of your abilities.


First Name Admon
Last Name Dullake
Ability Phaser
Foxfire Level 7


Directions: Fill a box with an "X" if your character wishes to take this course.

Ability Detecting Special Ability Focus Session X



Directions: Please answer the following questions honestly and eloquently. If your character has already manifested, please skip to question #4.

=====P R E - M A N I F E S T A T I O N=====

1) Do you plan for your character to manifest?

2) If your answer to the previous question was yes, then which ability (or abilities) have you planned for your character to manifest?

3) What abilities do your character's parents have?

P O S T - M A N I F E S T A T I O N

4) Has your character manifested? If so, what ability do they have?

Yes, he has manifested. He manifested as a Phaser.

5) How strong is your character's ability? Rate them on a scale of one to one-hundred. (The rating cannot be 99 or 100; it must be reasonable. This is asking for your character's natural potential.)


6) How much does your character already know about their ability? (Note that this question is note the same as the question above, as it is asking for knowledge base rather than the potential of the character.)

He's extremely devoted into studying his ability, so probably a lot.

7) What abilities do your character's parents have?

Arianna, his mother, is a Talentless. His father, Vincent, is a Guster.


=====N A T U R A L=====

How good is your character at skills such as telekinesis, holding their breath, appetite suppression, etc.?

He is excellent at every skill since his mother had taught him personally.

S U B J E C T - W I S E

How good is your character at each of the following:

  • Ability Detecting (if doesn't apply, do not answer)

  • Agriculture
    He considers Agriculture an EXTREMELY boring subject, but still gets As on it. Usually scores around 94% in finals.
  • Alchemy

He likes it better than Agriculture, Elvin History, and Multispecial Studies. Still naps in class, though. Usually scores around 95% in finals.

  • Elementalism

He enjoys this subject, but this class isn't his favorite. He usually scores around 96% or 97% in finals.

  • Elvin History

He absolutely HATES this class. "WHY DOES THIS CLASS EVEN EXIST" is something he would say if people would allow him to rant about Foxfire. Nonetheless he still gets good marks. Usually scores around 92% in finals.

  • Metaphysics

He enjoys this subject and this is his 3rd favorite class. Usually scores around 97% to 98% in finals.

  • Multispecial Studies

Usually he snores or falls out of his desk while sleeping during this session due to boredom. This is his worst subject and gets 90% in finals.

  • Physical Education

"Eh, it's not the best but not the worst either."

He usually stares at the sky and daydreams the whole time, but if there is something actually interesting then he's great at this subject. Usually scores around 91% in finals.

  • Special Ability Focus Session (if doesn't apply, do not answer)

He loves this class and this is his favorite class. He loves studying and practicing his ability so much he'd even spend his whole free time wrapped up in books about phasing or going through walls like a ghost. His mentor enjoys his devotion but sometimes gets too overwhelmed with the amount of excitement he has. Usually scores around 98% during finals.

  • The Universe

His second favorite class. He is awed by the stars and the universe, and is always on full-attention during this session. Usually scores around 97% during finals.


“There is no one in the entire universe who will be you if you aren't you.”


About ⭐️ Approval ⭐️ Hail Me

Irene Stardust ~ Quiet Councillor ♠ Unfazed Phaser
"Everyone is a person, and should be treated as such."
Hail Me * whenever

Irene sat in the room, waiting for Admon.

About Approval Hail Me

Admon Dullake ❃ Quiet Phaser ❖ Self-Redeemed Student
"Regret is karma, but in a different word"
Hail Me · {{{PST}}}

Admon entered the room, and saw Councillor Irene in there already. "Hello." he greeted.

About ⭐️ Approval ⭐️ Hail Me

Irene Stardust ~ Quiet Councillor ♠ Unfazed Phaser
"Everyone is a person, and should be treated as such."
Hail Me * whenever

Irene nodded at him. "Hello. I will start your interview after you have a seat." She motioned to the chair in front of her.

About Approval Hail Me

Admon Dullake ❃ Quiet Phaser ❖ Self-Redeemed Student
"Regret is karma, but in a different word"
Hail Me · {{{PST}}}

Admon nodded and sat on the chair the Councillor gestured to.

About ⭐️ Approval ⭐️ Hail Me

Irene Stardust ~ Quiet Councillor ♠ Unfazed Phaser
"Everyone is a person, and should be treated as such."
Hail Me * whenever

"First question. How well do you think you can control your ability?"

About Approval Hail Me

Admon Dullake ❃ Quiet Phaser ❖ Self-Redeemed Student
"Regret is karma, but in a different word"
Hail Me · {{{PST}}}

Admon smiled. "To be honest, I believe I have an advanced control over my phasing ability. I've attempted and succeeded numerous times at home while practicing, so I am definitely confident in my ability."

About ⭐️ Approval ⭐️ Hail Me

Irene Stardust ~ Quiet Councillor ♠ Unfazed Phaser
"Everyone is a person, and should be treated as such."
Hail Me * whenever

She nodded. "How do you do acamdemically?"

About Approval Hail Me

Admon Dullake ❃ Quiet Phaser ❖ Self-Redeemed Student
"Regret is karma, but in a different word"
Hail Me · {{{PST}}}

"I have all As throughout all the levels in Foxfire. My lowest grade, I believe is 90%." Admon replied.

About ⭐️ Approval ⭐️ Hail Me

Irene Stardust ~ Quiet Councillor ♠ Unfazed Phaser
"Everyone is a person, and should be treated as such."
Hail Me * whenever

"Alright, last question. How do you think you can help the Nobiltiy by graduating from the Elite Levels?"

About Approval Hail Me

Admon Dullake ❃ Quiet Phaser ❖ Self-Redeemed Student
"Regret is karma, but in a different word"
Hail Me · {{{PST}}}

Admon thought quietly for few minutes. "I believe that I can help the Nobility by justifying.....some prejudices. My mother is a Talentless and I have suffered from the prejudice my family went through. It's not just the negative feedback of the public that have affected me, but my own actions as well," Admon took in a deep breath before resuming. "which is why I am eager to set things right. Discrimination against bad matches, twins, and Talentless should not be tolerated, and I believe the Nobility and Upper-Class elves should set an example of that."

After finishing his answer, Admon looked nervously at the Councillor. He didn't know if Councillor Irene had the same perspective towards Bad Matches and twins.

About ⭐️ Approval ⭐️ Hail Me

Irene Stardust ~ Quiet Councillor ♠ Unfazed Phaser
"Everyone is a person, and should be treated as such."
Hail Me * whenever

Irene smiled. "Bravo, Admon! It's comforting to see another high class elf with the same perspective as mine. You will receive a scroll of your results tomorrow. Have a good day!"

About Approval Hail Me

Admon Dullake ❃ Quiet Phaser ❖ Self-Redeemed Student
"Regret is karma, but in a different word"
Hail Me · {{{PST}}}

Admon smiled. "Thank you for your time, Councillor Irene."
